Friday, May 14, 2010

Who I Am

I've had this blog set up for months now, but this is my first official post. I think I've been waiting--for the right time, for the right heartset, the right reasons. God is SO good. He has been leading me through this past year all in preparation for where I am now and where I am going to be. I am a passionate lover of the Lord, a daughter of the King. I have been waiting and waiting to figure out when it would be right to pursue this new dream of photography, and waiting and waiting on answers that "never came." I think somehow within the past few months, God has shown me that He has been saying "GO" all along! I just have to learn to trust Him. Surrendering has been so big in my life recently, and it's incredible to see how God uses us when we humble ourselves before His throne and submit our wants and heart throbs to Him!! So this is me, jumping headfirst into life--

I am a daughter--of Jesus, and my wonderful parents
I am a sister--to the most amazing brother ever
I am in love--with a man I am most unworthy of
I am a student--at Texas A&M--WHOOP!!
I am an artist--with paints, photos, fabrics
I am a worshipper--of Jesus
I am excited--for life
I am joyful--for what is to come
I am aware--of beauty
I am in raptures--of our King
I am in awe--of His majesty
I am a photographer--of LIFE!!
I am a dancer--to bring joy and heart knowledge
I am a friend--to the most amazing people I know
I am a smiler--....  :-)
I am a hugger--they make the world a better place

I am Michelle, pursuing my dreams and doing what God has called me to do--create, using His beauty. Capturing the uncaptureable. Documenting moments of truth and honesty. Showing you how beautiful and fun you are!!

My philosophy for photography stems from the heart, from God. I love beauty. I see it everywhere--show me an old car, a bent-over Grandmother, a long-lost dirt road, and I will show you it's beautiful. Beauty is taken for granted here in our world, it's "everywhere" in "everything," yet do we really stop and consider the Maker of it all!? I am constantly in awe of the creations God has made here on earth. I believe every single person has a story and a personality to show in photos, and I long to capture that and let it be a testimony to you--who you are.

You are created
You are fun
You are exciting
You are mysterious
You are loved
and you are beautiful.

This blog will be an adventure as I travel from place to place and have photoshoot after photoshoot. I am so excited about it all!! If I've learned anything this semester it's that God provides in crazy ways... so this is a journey of trust, faith, and joy...

Here is a taste of what I've found of God's.... so special!!....

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